Wednesday 20 April 2016


Marriage is a sweet divine ordination, it is the coming together of two strangers, struck by love to become one flesh.. Saying I love you is one thing, feeling it and practicing it is another sweet thing. When love grows beyond the kissing and natural enticement, the heart desires to live with that special person for ever erupt, and all that comes to the mind is how to have that person for eternity through marriage. And the day will come that you must say it to her/him. "Will you marry me" Hmm...  Don't just say it, make it a memorable one, because the way you say it will always be in her memory, and your friends memory for a very long time.

Here are different tips to make a romantic marriage proposal, don't be. Shy, nothing is too expensive.... Enjoy!

1. Choose a favorite place, whether it's a fountain, monument, hotel rooftop, galleria, pool side, restaurant,  or during your/ any special birthday party, national park etc that has personal significance to the two of you. Once you're there, ask someone nearby to take a picture of you together, smile with all your face fill with romantic emotions, slowly go down on one knee, and pour out your Heart "......

2. Have a choir, brass band or drum line show up for a surprise performance of your fiance-to-be's favorite love song in a park or public location for your proposal. For a really personal touch, ask the performers if they can incorporate your fiance's name into the lyrics.

3. Get in touch with the stage manager of your favorite production and propose after the cast's curtain call. Call ahead and see if you can have a special note or ad placement added into the playbill, so you have a keepsake of the proposal.

4. Arrange a surprise proposal with a street caricaturist. Have the caricaturist sketch a picture of you two with word bubbles that say, "Will you marry me?" and "Yes!"

5. Ask the divers at an aquarium to put on a proposal show inside their biggest fish tank. Give them a (waterproof) sign that says, "Will you marry me?" to hold up against the glass and then position yourselves for what will, at first, seem like feeding time.

6. Send your unsuspecting fiance-to-be on a treasure hunt that ends with your proposal. Start with a clue at home (a handwritten note or text message) that leads to a tour of your favourite spots all over town.

7. Go out for a night of dancing and ask the DJ or bandleader to pass you the mic so you can dedicate a song and propose on the dance floor.

8. Hire a skywriter to spell out your proposal for everyone around to see.

9. Take out a full-page ad in a newspaper, and then pick the perfect spot to have a relaxing morning of catching up on current events. Another twist on this idea is to call into a radio station and then make sure your fiance-to-be is listening when your proposal is on the air.

10) Put the ring in their favorite pet and direct it to your lover.....

11) Get a bible, in a special verse like 1st Corinthians 13.... Allow her to read it, then switched to .... Where u will put the ring and ask and little love notes of..........

12) Put in a T shirt then a longs sleeve on top, in a public or quiet spot, take off to Show will u marry me

13) If u got too much money and want to spoil her with diamond, u can arrange like 20. Set of Diamond ring in a special pack, and tell her to pick one as my wife....

14) On her birthday or special outing day you can prepare a cake as a surprise package to say will you marry me.

15) Buy them a special gift like shoe, and customize will u marry me on it.

16) Ask your local movie theater to run your special proposal "trailer," then show up early for the previews.

17) Upload a video of your pre-recorded love story with a surprise ending (the proposal!) to YouTube and then insist you have a hilarious cat video that's a must-see and watch it alone or with friends.

18). This one requires some lead time. Without your partner knowing, take a month (or even a year!) worth of video moments each day and set it to play. When the countdown of romantic moments reaches the current day, propose!

Tuesday 19 April 2016



What will make a guy to propose to a lady? What do you think will make him to fall in love with you? Some ladies don't understand the things to do to make a man fall in love with them, because of the pressure in the society, with the mind to join the league of their married friends; they tend to send the wrong body language to a guy. Some people have done more than enough to make their partner truly love them, yet their partner is still misbehaving with no assured future in the relationship. And my question is, if you actually do all you can to make someone love you and they don’t, why don’t you look for someone else that will appreciate you just the way you are?
There are certain questions you need to ask yourself in a relationship to know where it is leading you two; like, how did you meet? Think about it, how did you meet? Where did you meet? What connected you two together? Who connected you two together? Is the person god fearing and reliable; what makes you feel what he/she is telling you is the truth? What makes you feel they are truly the right one for you? Are you sure both of you are in love with each other? Why do you think so?
The reason why most people go in and out of relationship is because they fall for what they see. If you fall for what you see one day it will disappear or you will get tired of it, if you fall for what people tells you and you believe in it without testing them through the fire, one day your believe will fall when you discover they are not what they truly say they are. But when two people start a relationship because of what they feel towards each other, understanding each other potentials and weakness, they are likely to live together forever.


1.       Dress Well, Dress Sexy But Not Like A Harlot.

The way you dress makes people to have a perception about your personality. Before you speak, your appearance speaks for you. Therefore, when you over expose your secret body part, the first thing that comes to a man’s mind is LUSTFUL desires. Whether he claims you are beautiful, sexy, and is in love at first sight, bear it in mind that your attractive sexy legs and cleavages is what he is imagining how to get into it, and explore the remaining part that he cannot see. So dress well, look nice, wear anything that looks good on you, and let your dressing send the right message to a guy. And when you are being approach, watch his eyes and body language, pay attention to his words. You can definitely tell if he is a guy that wants a relationship or a lustful one. Someone that wants a relationship that will lead to marriage does not rush: He takes time to understand you before asking for your hand in boy-girl relationship. They don't meet you the first day and start telling you to come over to his place immediately.

2.       When You Are Been Approached, Be Welcoming, Be Discipline, But Don’t Flirt.

For a man to approach you, it means he finds you attractive, acceptable, sexy and beautiful but put it in mind that the first thing in his mind is how possibly he can cajole you to his bed. This point may be blunt or not 100% true; but when you have this mindset you will be very smart and vigilant with everything they say or do at that time. 

Whenever you are having a chat, Make sure you have privacy in your conversation; say the right things at the right time, have a different view in life, be matured, be wise, talk politely, not only to him but also to people around you, think positive, talk positive, be intelligent, men likes intelligent ladies. Remember in all, be discipline, and welcoming but don’t be cheap to access. Men like women that have integrity, flirt with him when you know you are about to get married to him, not after a conversation, or meeting; try to control your emotion. Please don’t be a flirt, if he wants to flirt with you when you just met him, turn him down, let your character show that you are not that type of girl. The moment he notice this, if he is actually someone that is looking for a life partner He will take you serious,

3.       Demand Less, Encourage Him More.

When guys give too much gift, know that they expect much from you. Don’t allow what you are taking from a guy to be the reason of sleeping with him, don’t be too soft or carried away by gift. Most men see women as weaker vessel; they see them as fishes, they through bait with money and gift to catch them.  Let your mindset be tuned to someone that truly love and understand you. He can give you everything but still may not have emotional feeling towards you but lust. The best practice is to be comfortable with what you have. Stop being too demanding, men can give you everything just to get what they want from you, and when they are done, like; totally satisfying themselves, their feeling will becomes sour.

When you meet a guy you like and possibly fall in love with him, learn to always encourage him. Men like women that always encourage them despite the situation. They like someone that her words wake them up from being inactive in life. Someone that understand the situation, demand less, complain less, and put him in the right part of life. Try and be supportive, but be wise when it comes to financial support. Real men don’t constantly or cunningly ask for money, they work hard to make money, and be the boss, and you assist them when the need arise. Never put all you got in a man that you feel is not serious with you, someone you know is double dating, and not making you his first priority, make sure you are seeing what you are putting into the relationship, if not now, make sure you are feeling or seeing him working towards the growth of the relationship.  Always pray for him, Pray with him, send him prayer messages, and bless him. Try and be his everything, someone he cannot live without. When He tell you anything you feel may become a success, encourage him, be the voice in his ear always.

4.       Humble Yourself, You Have Right As Men, But Always Humble Yourself.

When you become a pompous person, and uncontrollable, the guy slowly loss interest in you. Every man wants a woman that understands them; someone that is ready to obey them, not a bossy type, someone always forming madam, someone that doesn't take correction and not ready to bend. Humble yourself, humility does not belittle anyone, it shows you have a superb grace that the proud can never have. No matter how opportune, wealthy and famous you becomes, if you can kill your pride, respect yourself, gentlemen will always want you in their life. But when you are pompous, the bad sharp guys will always be loyal to get what they want and when the time is ripe, they will leave. So, humble yourself, let people see it in you, let them speak of your great humility. Do you know you actually gain more genuine respect and true love when you are humble? So, be humble.

5.       Have A Positive Way Of Life.

Let your way of life to your family, friends and others be well spoken of.  Live a life that people will talk good about you, be yourself, no matter how worse you think you are, someone will always like you the way you are. Learn to be yourself. Be creative, be natural. Smile more, make yourself happy. Don’t overdo things: some people may misinterpret it when you are being too nice has a lady. Especially, when they feel age is not to your side. Please, don’t overdo things, always be yourself;  any negative character that you need to change to be better in life do it; never do things because you want people to like you or be on your side. Do things because you feel its ok to do it, remember you can never please everybody? So when you feel you are doing things to your lover’s family, or friends for them to like you it won’t. Showing too much good face is not a license that will make someone to marry you. Marriage is not something you just jump into it, so everyone is been careful not to marry the wrong partner. So, just be yourself, don't be someone else because your true identity will show in due time.

6.       Delay Sex As Long As You Can. 

      If you want to have a prosperous relationship as a girl, delay SEX as long as you can.  Our world is lost in lust, as majority of people are going into relationship because they want to eat what their eyes sees. And they won't tell the lady what they want. They come as friends, as Mr. nice guy but their major goal is to have sex with the lady. So as a girl, when guys ask for your hand in friendship and you agreed, try as much as you can to delay sex.

When you delay sex in due time you will discover if his feelings is real or just in his lips. Someone that wants to be serious with you likes it when you are not a lustful lady, but a guy that is not serious would be impatient. It will look as if you are just benefiting from them, as if you are wasting their time, with time they will change and start behaving abnormally to you.  If it is sex they want, they will look for someone else who will be given it to them and still wait for the day you will give it to them, but When they know you refuse to sleep with them and you have a good moral standard, if they like you, they will be force to see you as a rare special lady, and their mindset on sex will change to love.

Some guys can wait for more than a year, patiently waiting for the day to sleep with you. Ask yourself, someone that's is asking for your hand in friendship a year or two years does that mean you are the only lady in this world? If a guy has a relationship, or married men, they can wait for years until any time the lady like to give it to them.

Am not saying if you want to have sex you shouldn't, but don't be cheap, have a standard for yourself, sex is not to core evidence to prove that you love them. If you like have sex with different style a thousand times, that is not still a certificate that a guy will marry you.  If you need a life partner, sex is the last thing that should come into your mind, It would be the last thing that would come into his mind, how to build a home with you will be his first priority. So ladies, delay sex, prove to them that you are not in a haste to get married guys takes advantage of this, let them know you are a focus and responsible lady.

7.       Be Truthful and Faithful To Him.

Every man wants to beat his chest with his palm and says his woman is sweet and different from other women. Men like it when they know you are faithful and truthful to them. When you are unfaithful to a man, whether you give him everything he needs just to secure the relationship, in due time he shifts his feelings from you. No man wants to share his lover with any other man. Likewise no reasonable woman will want to share her lover with another lady.

If you know he is a serious guy, and he takes the relationship serious, try as much as you can be truthful and faithful to him. You can fully convince him to be. Eighty percent of men want a cheater as a sex mate but when it comes to marriage, they prefer a faithful, responsible girl. Therefore when you know he is ready to marry you, be faithful to him.

Try and practice these little tips, you will definitely see a change, don't forget to dress well, and be discipline don’t flirt. Demand less, encourage him more. humble yourself, be intelligent, and delay sex as long as you can, Be truthful and faithful to him, pray for him and always pray together. A man can offend you but they are afraid to offend God.

Friday 4 March 2016



Starting a relationship is like going into a school. Your partner life becomes your text book, and proper studying of your partner and passing the test and examination of life will either make the relationship successful or a fail one. Having misunderstanding, resentment, disagreement and quarrel are all spices that make a relationship stronger; but when the disagreement and inability to understand each other   becomes often, the strong feelings of love will soon be fading away as no one wants to be with someone that does not understand them.

WHAT CAUSES MISUNDERSTANDING: the major cause of misunderstanding is the inability to accept and understand each other principles, each other likes and dislikes, and also their mood.

Sometimes your partner may just want to be alone, silent and quiet. Sometimes they are unhappy because of the day work, stress, the economy situation, lack of money, or not making progress at that particular time, some may need to be left alone at that time, some may need attention when they are down, if you don’t understand their mood, you may misunderstand the message they are trying to pass and pick an offence which may lead to quarrel.

If you can fully understand each other, know when you are in a play mood, sad mood, when they mean stop it, when they say continue. When they really mean what they are saying, and when they are saying it just to piss you off, if you can fully understand them, then the high rate of not quickly understanding each other will reduce.

Some men wants to be the boss all the time, some may prefer to be soft sometimes and hard other times.  Some ladies prefer doing all the house work, some may feel the man must do it, or assist a bit. The way you relate to your partner in public, in presence of you friends and family.  if you fail to understand their personality, likes and dislikes well, you will continue to have misunderstanding which is uncalled for if you had truly understood them. Therefore you need to understand how they are thinking at a particular time. How they will think concerning certain issues, and act well on their behalf.


1)     Always learn to say I’m sorry. Learn to say it sincerely, and act like you are really sorry for the mistakes you’ve done. Saying am sorry does not make you the weak one; it makes you the better emotionally matured partner. If you seek peace and happiness in your relationship, it shows you truly love that person and would not want to continue to be unhappy with them.

Sometimes to keep the peace whether your partner is the one that causes the whole mess, you can still call them and tell them you have forgiven them for their bad attitude and speech towards you. you can tell them what they have done politely and how mad you are with them but because of the love you have for them you allowed everything to die off, but they should not upset you in that manner again. Now, you are seeking peace while you are on the right side, which shows your level of emotionally maturity, and a good partner you will become. That does not mean you should be the one apologizing all the time. You don’t always apologize to someone who loves you, they know when you are hurt, so they will surely apologize when they know it.

2)     Learn To forgive early. No matter how you were offended learn to forgive early. When you shove things off early, your love for each other will remain strong. I have seen couples getting angry at each other for a very long time; some almost lost it all because they felt hurt to the bones. The fact is when you start having that hurt regularly, and keeping it love will deteriorates per day.

True love is like a strong fitted bullet proof, no bullet of insults, harsh words, or bad attitude can easily penetrate into the bones. Whenever you feel offended, try and dust it off, forgive early, don’t hold grudges. Just smile.

3)     Learn to calm  your temper down: one good slogan lovers needs to put in their mind is, “No one is perfect” no matter how we try to please each other we are not perfect, because you can’t hundred percent please anybody. So when your partner offends you, please calm down, see it as their trait of imperfection at that time. Be silent, be quiet, just control your temper and wait until you get home; wait for a quiet time, bed time, or whenever you feel the arena is serene to talk about the issue without having a fight or quarrel.

When your partner offends you and you retaliate immediately, if they are not in a good mood at that time, they won’t give in to their mistake. But you were right; you didn’t just put it in the right way because you are saying your point in the wrong mood. So learn to be calm until you feel he/she is ready to listen to your point. With this method you can settle amicably avoid quarrel, it will look as if you two lovers are perfect, with no misunderstanding but the truth is only you two knows how you settle thing without a fight or quarrel.

4)   Learn to talk things out:  whenever you feel offended don’t just keep it to yourself and live as if nothing has happen. Learn to express your anger in words. You can control the situation by walking away or overlooking their action, when you are calm tell your partner what makes you unhappy, let them know you don’t like the attitude they showed you or the words they have said, let them know you don’t like it. Learn to speak politely when expressing yourself, let them know you are only doing this because you don’t want to be disrespectful; you want them to calm down before expressing yourself, you desire harmony in a relationship, let them know how you feel. Watch their response. Someone that truly loves you and understand your point of view will apologize. A matured person will know you have played the part as a positive desirable lover. Everyone wants peace in love.

So, don’t accumulate all the bad things your partner has done, waiting for the day to explode. Just learn to say it out, express yourself.

5)   Learn to bribe your partner: one of the sweetest ways to settle misunderstanding when you are wrong and can’t just come out to say I am sorry is to bribe your partner. This is really funny right; it’s simple, think of what they had asked from you before that you have not given them, think of what they like the most and buy it for them. Take them outing to the place they wish and love to go, there and then you can say, I am sorry.

Sending them gift alone says am sorry, it shows you care, But don’t use this method too often less it becomes useless, it will now look as if you are buying them off and can’t say am sorry. Therefore to make it more romantic why buying the gift don’t forget to tell them in their ears that you are sorry, it makes them feel more secured and appreciated.
Most times you don’t need to give gifts to show that you are sorry for what you have done, if you are living together. Surprise them, those things they know you will not normally do, do it for them, go to the extra mile, if it is washing of cloths, cleaning the house, preparing a favorite meal, putting on their cloths, just create a scene that will make them feel please and smile at you. Listen no one in love is deeply angry at his/ her partner, it’s just a mild misunderstanding that can be managed and resolved. Do something sweet at home for them, have you try seducing them…. oops….

6)   Have good Sex:  for married couples, sometimes absent of sex or having sex for a long period of time separates the heart. When that misunderstanding erupts, and words, gifts, talk, and all the method you have tried do not work, have a good sex, a hot one. That will calm all the temper down,  by then you can whisper in each other ear all the mistake and settled it amicably.

If we can understand that love is a bullet proof, which nothing can easily penetrate into it, we can avoid misunderstanding in a relationship. Don’t allow you anger gets into your bones, learn to shake it off, its not that you cannot over react, but because you want a peaceful relationship; be calm.  It pays well to have a peaceful romantic relationship, it’s what everyone desire, but only those who are ready to understand that their partner is imperfect will achieve it. So whenever you feel down, apply this method and see how it goes.

Do have a wonderful love life.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

How Do You Know He/She Truly Loves You?

Love comes like the rising of the sun. It gets bright and brighter has time goes by, and gradually goes down in the evening, when the feeling is not manually or automatically reciprocated.

Due to false emotional expression, some people have been deceived by the word "love". They give out their whole heart expecting the same, but never get it in return. As a result of frequent heartbreak and lust, it becomes hard to believe, if love really exists. The truth is, love exists but most people fail to understand it.

Like the word “opportunity comes once in a life time" true love come once in a life time, once it is missed, it may takes a life time to get another original person.

Here are little tips to know if someone he/she truly loves you;

1). Note this; they did not just rush into the relationship because they met you. They know what they want, so, they took their time searching, and waiting for the right person. They fell in love with you because they found you as the right one, their replica.

2). they can't live in a day without thinking about you; they can’t live without hearing your voice or seeing you.

3). It is difficult for them to stop loving you despite the way you have hurt them. They just can't stop loving you because they have concluded in their heart that you are the one for them. So they keep on loving you despite your imperfection

4). what they want from you is beyond friendship. They do not see you as just friends or sex mates. They see you as their life partner, the one they want to spend their eternity with and they work hard to make it come to pass.

5). they naturally like you not because you are beautiful, handsome, rich or seductive. They like you for been you, just your true simple self.

6). they share similar characters, thought, and features with you. Similar likes and dislike, there is a strong compatibility between you too, an unbreakable one, you just match. There is a connection between the two of you about the beauty of love and the future. You see and talk of the future together.

7). they are always happy seeing you, and spending time with you. They can freely talk their private issues with you, play and do crazy things without restriction. They break their boundaries when you are together.

8). they are always jealous when they see you with others because they want you for themselves alone. they are scared you will leave them especially when they are not sure you love them the way they do, so, they do all they can to win your heart to themselves. Even with tears…

9). they will not cheat on you, if they were doing it before; they abandon everybody just to be with you. Their heart completely becomes yours because they know they have found you as the right person.

10). they believe in you and your dreams, they support and assist you in getting there.

11). they never discuss breaking up of the relationship but how to build it and work it out.

12). Talking to you alone and expressing themselves gives them more beauty and grace to keep the relationship.

13). they seek for your heart, your love not your body. You talk more of marriage than sex.

14). they are open about the relationship; they DON'T hide it, but let the world to know that you are the one they have decided to spend the rest of their life with you, you are their missing rib.

15). they will never hold your past against you. They forgive and forget your past and move on with you because you are their future.

16). they ignore all the barriers of love just to be with you and love you even better.

17). they love you even when they know you DON'T love them back. Leaving you is never the best option but loving you is the best option.

18). they are ready to offend others just to be with you. You are their first and last.

19). they never demand of something they know you can't afford.

20). they are ready to go through the extra mile just to provide your needs, they in convenience themselves because of you.

21). they will not lie to you. They like getting your family and close friends involve in the relationship.

These and more tip shows if He/she truly loves you, if they act against these tips, it means they are not ready to spend their eternity with you. Remember, most times people fall in and out of love because they were not just meant to be together forever, despite the sweet connection between them. Some people are meant to be friends not lovers.

So, Never rush into a relationship, have a standard, don’t allow situations, and pressure to lead you into the wrong hands, know what you want and make sure they want the same. if not you guys will just be deceiving yourself if you eventually don’t allow love to take control over you.


Monday 23 November 2015

I Miss You (Poem)

 Only yesterday we were born in a rainbow of love,
we grew impact like twain fairies,
compact like lovebirds in autumn trees,
flying in euphoria pact in summer premier,

Only today you left me empty in lost,
now, you left without abandoning the spirit of smile;

You left without painting your beauty on everybody face,
you left without turning the winds to your electric touch,
You left with no letter at the sky Front line,
You left with no words of goodbye,
and left my world in tears bye,

How do I live without you,
when a day without you,
is a million years with no sunshine,

My heart is set on fire by your scintillating eyes,
ablaze by the scent of your perform rose,
burning by the lit of your atmospheric vivacious appearance,

I miss you with all of my vibrant might,
I miss you with all my bleeding emotion,
I miss you with fetching fervent teardrop,
I miss you with effectual delirious desire,

Every night I boon the moon,
to tell you from a distance,
how much I miss you,
to boom the heart breaking Zoom of my doom,
to I am sorry in heavy penitent,

I am a prisoner of love,
wrapped in lukewarm kiss of your crest,
never ready to be released until breath switches dusk,

I wish you the very best,
for your dreams to come true,
I pray you met a better friend at the other side,
but want you to still remember that
I miss you like nobody else

By Isah Wisdom


Love is a tree that grows,
With long wings of an eagle
And strong strings of two single.

The pure impulse impure at a tender age,
As the offering of outside breed blender our image,
I purr like Thomas on hearing your pureness
And merry when I taste the white lily of sureness.

I babble like a fool to fall for your flash,
But the babbling of my lips unveils my secret gold.
My secret gold was awe-inspiring when told and hold.
Just like a fool to fall for a frat,
We fell for our foolishness.

Beauty blinds beauty all beauty is beautiful,
From beauty to beauty casting beauty for beauty
Your beauty is bright and barn.
I smile at death as it unzips its threat,
For my hand is ready to be nail at cross.

Accept this my dear...It is for only you,
The darkest part cannot blur my love

The darkest part begins a new dawn!!! 

Monday 13 July 2015


My Love,
Love brings two different beings together. We are from different race, different state, different culture with different figuare, yet true love brought us together. As long as it brought you to me, I will never ever stop loving you. I love you so much.... 

My dear;
My love united we stand, divided we fall. As long as we have united our heart like bunch of broom they can never share us apart. If we part ways in our days of trouble, then it's fake love, but If we stick together, it means we are meant to be together for eternity. Don't think of leaving me my love. I love you so much and will continue to love you, kiss!!

My love, 
When am with you, my heart is always with you. even when i'm not with you, my whole heart is still with you. I am your inalienable lover, guess what? each time I'm leaving your presence I always leave my heart behind. No woman on earth can take my heart away from you because it is always with you. I love you so much.

My love
Ever since I fell in love with you my heart has never been the same, it is no longer with me because I've given it unto you. Oh my sweet lover! when will I stop thinking about you? From dawn till dusk, from week to months, for life, even life after death, I will never stop thinking and loving only you. I love you soooooooooooooooo much. 

My Love
No matter where you are now, know that there is no one else in my life. Believe me, there is no woman alive that can take your place in my life. Although they are beautiful, wise and preferred, still they can not take your place. To me, you are sooooooo unique. I love you.

Monday 6 July 2015

ONE DAY WITHOUT YOU. (a good letter of apology)

(Real men apologises to their lover when they upset them immediately, not a day, days or weeks letter.) If you've offended your girl, wife. You need the right words to make her know how you feel.......  send her this letter.....

My love. One day without you is the worstest day of my life. My heart is filled , a heart of tears, but, as a man, I control my tears. When I fell you want to leave me, great tears filled my heart, I tried to control it again, but I cracked, and solid tears dropped down my eyes because of you.

I have been in love before, I have tasted love. But non is as sweet and perfect and real as the one I feel for you. My feelings is strong and beautiful when I think of you, I cant tell when it would be exhausted, if i should measure it, it would be in thrillions, and everyday it coninuue to grows without limit.

You are more than a girlfriend to me, more than a lover. You are the only family I have in this city, even though the bonding of the ring has not be made, you are my blood, my flesh; the one piece that gives me happiness, comfort and zeal to become greater fast. You ignite my dreams, carried my burden and set me in the right part of life. How can I live without you?

My love, one day without you is like putting me on fire, I burn daily with much missing you my angel. I miss every minute of our love life. I miss your smile, i miss your face, i miss your words, i miss that look in your face, whether you are angry or happy, I miss your kiss, i miss your hug, i miss the you in you. My love, You are in me, so, I can't stop missing you.

From the day I roll and drowned in love with you all my scourge of flirting, and, search for love died. You are mine and mine alone, likewise, i am your and yours alone. Out of my heart God made you, out of your heart God created me, we are now one heart, one body and soul.

My sweetheart mine, come back home lets eat together again on same table, let me watch you smile again, let me feel your sigh of releive in my arms again, let me know you still love me as greatly as i do. Come back home my love.

I am truly sorry for all that I had said that upset you, i am wrong, too emotional, am sorry. your tears is my tears, your pains are mine. Why will I allow you to go through any stress or pain when i know am still the one thats going to feel it? please forgive me my queen, I will never hurt you again in words or any other way again. I love you.

Beleive this, In this lifetime and after this life, I will still be loving you. Only you my love, only you.

Monday 23 March 2015


My love, I slept so peacefully just thinking about you. And I woke up again with sweet thought of you. Do you know the moment I open my eyes in the morning you are the first thing in my thought, and I lie on my bed swimming in sweet thought of you. I feel like not getting off the bed because I enjoy thinking and day dreaming about you.

 Ooops, I almost forget to say my morning prayers: so, I knelt down and pray, God please forgive me for not praying so early today again, you Remain My God and Lord, she is bone of my bones, and the flesh of my flesh, the one whom her blood lives in me. I can't live without her. 
please bless us and let us live in happiness all the days of our life. I love you dear...... I truly love you. I wish you are here.

Monday 19 January 2015


My love, my heart is in lonesome pain with everything that is happening recently between us, no more hugs, no more calls, no more text, no more visitation, u make me feel so bad that I feel like hurting myself everything I think about us now. If the general over seer or a witch doctor should tell me that our love will suddenly go down, I will swear and fight them with the last drop of my blood.

Oh my sweethearts mine, I know I have been imperfect, and incapable to complete your happiness, but what is my life without you. You leaving my life is  like switching off the light in a candle stick, my whole life will go dark, it is surely going dark without you.

They say you never know how valuable someone is until you lost them. Ever since you decided to stay away from me, my joy has suddenly gone black. my parent and friend have notice my dullness, sadness and loneliness which I've told and they said I should apologise, which am doing now. If only tears could prove how sorry I am to have started all these, I would flood your room with my tears, until the droplets of blood. If you want me to say "am sorry" a million times, I will do it under the sun, inside the rain, in the market square, in front of your parents and the world, I will put my two kneels to the ground and apologise to you again and again until you accept me back. I am really sorry for my foolish actions,............. tears are dropping down my eyelid as I am typing this message for you. Am sorry my love.

Please accept my apology with my deepest regret for anywhere that I have hurt you. I need you fully back in my life. Do you know how many years I kept myself searching for love? Do you know the people have turn down their han

d in friendship? even the most beautiful girls in the world couldn't win my heart but, you CAME and SAW and CONQUERED. I love you and am not going back. You make my heart a paradise, my world a heaven on earth. You are the one that provide my soul with real happiness.

Few days not seeing you or hearing your voice is like hell. Am getting burnt per second, per minute, per hour. Please let's go back to our first love, let's go back to the day when we use to be happy together. When I use to be the first person you call in the morning, the one that makes you happy, let's turn back the hand of time, to the sweetest moment of our love life.

DON'T allow anyone to take you away from me. I may not be the best man for you , but what I have in my heart is better than the best man you see in vision. The love I have, only God can change my heart from loving you. I really need you. I need you like water to my thirsty soul, tell me how to appease u, and I will do it.

DON'T you know after God you are my small god, I truly adores you and will continue to value you all the rest of my life, why won't I worship you when you are all I have, no other person but you, just you.. Pleaaaaaassssssse forgive me my love, and stay with me.

It can only get better between us, the devil is a liar..... I love you, and will continue to love till I breath no more.

Yours Truly,

Tuesday 6 January 2015


The beauty of life is in love, unfortunately most people lack the understanding of  true love. Can true love break? Was it really love all the way or infatuation, crush and lust? If truly it was love, then why the break up?

When adults start up a relationship so passionately in love and letter break up, it is always a shock and surprise to their friends and family members, because they expected them to get married. They only see the physical display of love not considering their motives, their true likes and dislikes if they were totally compatible.

Most relationship that suddenly breaks did not just break in a day. it has been broken a long time ago, either from the beginning or during the course of the relationship. They ignore the facts, and tolerated each other  dislikes, filling all the pot hole of their dislike with false unnecessary display of love. Accepting what they hate the most and believing things will work out fine but most times it doesn't work that way when the person refuses to change.

The truth is, everybody knows the kind of person they want in a relationship. when they go into relationship and are not seeing what they want, especially when they are not sure of marriage from that person, they will have a change of heart by going to the second person that have the quality they desire.  Because the innocent lover has been captured by love, they fail to see that love is not as rosy as it was in the beginning. Not giving Up and still loving that person despite the changes. Until they get stab in the heart when they lover decides to end the relationship.

When you are in love, don’t claim to be blind when you can actually see, be wise. True love is beyond boy-girl compatibility, it is beyond the set dreams and ambition. It is the ability to understand the fact that both of you are life-time partners not just sweet lovers. People can be sweet lovers yet not life partners. And when you are just mouth lips lovers and not life partners, love will surely break in a day.
 So how do you break the jinx of not been the victim of loving the wrong person for too long?

Be smart; watch their cunning way of life, and comments. The best way to judge any one is their words concerning a topic, and their way of life.

When they start saying characters and things you do not possess, and are not trying to make you what they desire, watch out, because they are definitely heading somewhere. Secondly, when they speak positive, nice and behave like an angel but still cheat, and tell lies they are heading somewhere. Just be vigilant and wise.

Believe it, there is no reasonable reason for cheating. If they truly love  you they won't cheat and lie to you. Cheating is as a result of imperfection seen in a lover. And when someone does not possess fifty to seventy percent of the character their partner desire there is a possibility of break up when the perfect person finally arrive.

One way to achieve great things in a trying relationship is to have a positive mindset, work hard and be focus towards your set dreams and ambition. When they stop believing in you and say the relationship cannot work, is a direct road to break up. Someone saying the relationship cannot work have their reason, looking at the present time and considering the future they feel the future is not for both of you. But sometimes the victims of love overlooks all those words and still love.

The truth is you can actually know someone that wants to settle down with you. They go extra mile just to make you happy; they contribute to your growth, not just with mere words but financially and spiritually. they support your ideas and dream and make them come true. But when they know there is no future in the relationship there is always a restrain in some of the things they do, it is not that they can't do it, it’s just that they feel you are not the right person, so why invest so much on someone you are not going to marry. So that spend much to get what they want are those that have enough to give, while they enjoy their self for the short while. When you start noticing this trait, be wise. Especially when their respect for you decrease.

The best thing to do to safe guard your heart if you truly love them is to have a one-to-one chat with them. Try and find out what they really want, find out what you are not doing right that you need to do. Ask them what the problem is and know their mindset toward you. Love began to break from the day we become silent in saying the things that matters, so learn to speak out, speak out what makes you unhappy and angry, quickly find out what make them unhappy too before the relationship suddenly crash.

After finding out their reason, See how you can make it work, if you can, then you were meant to be together for life. if you can't, that means they are simply not the right one for you. Please stop forcing yourself to make things perfect, love is with ease, when you find the right person all the stress and pain of love will be over.  If they can't love you the way you are no matter how hard you have tried to please them, please let them go. For you can  force the horse to the river but you can’t force it to drink water from the river, you can do all you can to make them like you, you can’t force them to truly love you. if they can't wait, let them go. If not you will just be there loving them, growing old, until they finally broke the news to you that they want a break up.

Love DON'T just broke in a day, it has been broken while they are still in the relationship, people just fail to notice the changes. Try and be wise, DON'T allow anybody just be using you as a tool. know their stand in the relationship, if they are ready to be yours forever then grow with them, if they are not focus on you, let them walk away.

if its possible try and settle your differences in time before your true love for each other totally fade out. In all, love don't just break in a day, its a gradual process, be smart to understand when that shift of emotional connection comes, try and work on  your character, your lifestyle, and you will have a successful love life. Always try to avoid heart, cause it hurts the soul, there are many mischevious people out there that are ready to toil with your feelings, dont be a victim, be a victor. lots of love.