Love!!!! A word even an unborn child knows, a word every human being have use or show, it is a word we see on the television, hear on the radio, and read in the magazines. Everyday we see how beautiful people come together through internet chats, magazines connection, telephone chats etcetera and you imagine how fast "love" spreads all over the world. The question that wonder me is, What is love?

Love is a romantic lively connected feelings to the opposite sex, it is an hidden agenda that expresses itself when it see's the right person. Love is real; it's unpredictable, it is undeterred by penury, height, fame or religion, it is a humble slave that is ready to follow its master till the end. Love is a poweful force, it hides all character, it does not care if one is imperfect or unreliable, It sees beyound human imagination and do beyound human expectation. It makes the imperfect perfect, the heartless hearthy, the proud humbles, and the lust love, it is a faith that turns bad good and good better.

Love does not believe in impossibility, it is full of vision, cracking the hardness of life, sprouting a new dawn of success. Love is smart, once felt and told, it understands. It does not care of ones past relationship, it does not care of ones moral level, it does not care of ones personal deficiency, all it cares about is the heart, the true compatible lifestyle of the other, and once the heart is giving it is very difficult to take it back.
Love stays forever. It does not sleep nor slumbers, at the sound of their voice, sight, or name the feeling awakes like a soldier ready for war; it is always pleasing, always considering, not asking much but giving all, securing the life of the other, always putting smiles on each others faces, praying for eachother.

Yes, yes. It does not care of educational, social or racial differences; it is full of humility, always ready to role at the ground and be nail at the cross for the one you love. Love is a beautiful breeze that blows and touches all heart, once it touches you, you feel cool, calm and relax. It is a gas. You give it one room it takes the other, you give it the other it takes everywhere. It’s an uninvited guest that sneaks into your heart and controls you. It is the best active adrenaline molecule that moves in the blood vessels keeping us emotionally and physically healthy.

Love speaks, it gossips. It makes one not to rest even when you are resting, it puts the heart in attention to the one you love by whispering sweet thoughts about their quality and sweet moments you have had, it becomes enjoyable and soft that you start missing the one your love wishing they could be there with you and as the feeling rise, you dive into sweet dreams of the one you love. Life has taught me that love is sweeter than the sweetness of life, a cunning criminal that steals your attention, your mind, your time, your cash and your all.

Love is perfect. It is the most beautiful mind blowing experience every man can ever have. Though it is not easy to find, not easy to feel, once it catches up with you it so beautiful to live in, you'll feel the world is under you, you feel like living forever. But, the bad eggs have shattered love, they've deceive and corrupt the innocent heart with lust saying it is love. Lust is not love; lust is lost, a mere pleasure that ends within a few time. And after it, many people tends to regret. Love does not regret.

Love!!! Oh sweet love! once you find it, never let go because it is hard to come, it will be hard for you to find another one to feel someone who truely returns your feelings, so grab it, when you feel it. How do you know love? Once the eyes sees it, the heart will preach it. It is not because of beauty, status, or character, it's because God arisen your feelings immediately you saw them or starts chatting with them. It might not be strong at first but as the days walks away it shall be stronger than a rock, even though you try to control it will get to a time you wont be able to control it again you will just fall flat for the one you truely feel.

Love brings fulfill joy, and the foundation of the joy is when the feelings is reciprocated, two hearts becoming one, a happy moment every heart desires. No matter the distance, no matter how long you part ways, true love never ever run dries, it is like the ocean.
Love is a merciful angel, it forgive immediately and apologise when it do wrong. it is patient, it is tolerant. Note this, Love does not and would not think of sex at first sight, lust would. Love sees beyound sex, it sees a future life partner, a true companion, one that everything they do brings happiness to the soul, one that you adores more than every other person, one you surrender your heart to without having a thought of taking it back, that rare someone. And after proper studying eachother feelings to know if it is true, love is expressed through passionate carnal knowledge. A fusion of two hearts to one, a confirm spiritual and physical bond ordained by the almighty God to satisfy all desires. Trust me, a heart in love enjoy this pleasure than two people who beleive they are just doing it for fun.

The world is getting naked everyday and not until we cover it with love, lust would win, and once lust wins we are doom for life. Lets stop killing the true richness of love. Open your minds unto understanding, love exist. You need someone, somebody needs you. Open your heart to love not lust. Love never hurts, lust always will. Don't hide your love, dont sell it, hold it for the right person. Be vigilant for there are many loose love vampires out there, they are ready to bankrupt your true feelings of love. Dont be a victim, be a victor and feel the free flow of love.
Love makes the world a better place... Show some love today and you will see how happy you will make someone. Live in love, let love lives in you... Have a wonderful love life….

(Culled from Omorville's new book "Stamping True Love" Coming soon)