Wednesday 25 November 2015

How Do You Know He/She Truly Loves You?

Love comes like the rising of the sun. It gets bright and brighter has time goes by, and gradually goes down in the evening, when the feeling is not manually or automatically reciprocated.

Due to false emotional expression, some people have been deceived by the word "love". They give out their whole heart expecting the same, but never get it in return. As a result of frequent heartbreak and lust, it becomes hard to believe, if love really exists. The truth is, love exists but most people fail to understand it.

Like the word “opportunity comes once in a life time" true love come once in a life time, once it is missed, it may takes a life time to get another original person.

Here are little tips to know if someone he/she truly loves you;

1). Note this; they did not just rush into the relationship because they met you. They know what they want, so, they took their time searching, and waiting for the right person. They fell in love with you because they found you as the right one, their replica.

2). they can't live in a day without thinking about you; they can’t live without hearing your voice or seeing you.

3). It is difficult for them to stop loving you despite the way you have hurt them. They just can't stop loving you because they have concluded in their heart that you are the one for them. So they keep on loving you despite your imperfection

4). what they want from you is beyond friendship. They do not see you as just friends or sex mates. They see you as their life partner, the one they want to spend their eternity with and they work hard to make it come to pass.

5). they naturally like you not because you are beautiful, handsome, rich or seductive. They like you for been you, just your true simple self.

6). they share similar characters, thought, and features with you. Similar likes and dislike, there is a strong compatibility between you too, an unbreakable one, you just match. There is a connection between the two of you about the beauty of love and the future. You see and talk of the future together.

7). they are always happy seeing you, and spending time with you. They can freely talk their private issues with you, play and do crazy things without restriction. They break their boundaries when you are together.

8). they are always jealous when they see you with others because they want you for themselves alone. they are scared you will leave them especially when they are not sure you love them the way they do, so, they do all they can to win your heart to themselves. Even with tears…

9). they will not cheat on you, if they were doing it before; they abandon everybody just to be with you. Their heart completely becomes yours because they know they have found you as the right person.

10). they believe in you and your dreams, they support and assist you in getting there.

11). they never discuss breaking up of the relationship but how to build it and work it out.

12). Talking to you alone and expressing themselves gives them more beauty and grace to keep the relationship.

13). they seek for your heart, your love not your body. You talk more of marriage than sex.

14). they are open about the relationship; they DON'T hide it, but let the world to know that you are the one they have decided to spend the rest of their life with you, you are their missing rib.

15). they will never hold your past against you. They forgive and forget your past and move on with you because you are their future.

16). they ignore all the barriers of love just to be with you and love you even better.

17). they love you even when they know you DON'T love them back. Leaving you is never the best option but loving you is the best option.

18). they are ready to offend others just to be with you. You are their first and last.

19). they never demand of something they know you can't afford.

20). they are ready to go through the extra mile just to provide your needs, they in convenience themselves because of you.

21). they will not lie to you. They like getting your family and close friends involve in the relationship.

These and more tip shows if He/she truly loves you, if they act against these tips, it means they are not ready to spend their eternity with you. Remember, most times people fall in and out of love because they were not just meant to be together forever, despite the sweet connection between them. Some people are meant to be friends not lovers.

So, Never rush into a relationship, have a standard, don’t allow situations, and pressure to lead you into the wrong hands, know what you want and make sure they want the same. if not you guys will just be deceiving yourself if you eventually don’t allow love to take control over you.


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