Tuesday 25 October 2016


Love is a word we hear every day, it is a feeling everyone feel, it is a word we wish people should always truthfully tell us. when we are ripe of age, we fall in love with someone we feel are the best for us. But most times, loves disappoint us because we fail to understand that there are stages of love. Not until you understand the stages of love, you will keep getting hurt by the feelings of love. here are the three (3) stages of love.

1) STAGE ONE - FALLING IN LOVE: Falling in love is the first phase of love. As we grow older in life there is a tendency that we will fall in love with someone we desire or someone we do not desire from the onset but as times goes by, we fall in love with them. This stage seems to be the most memorable and sweetest of all stage. the warmth feeling is like that of a new born baby that everyone cares about, you don’t think love can hurt, no pain, all you talk about and need is the one you love. you gradually become foolish and can do everything just to make your partner happy. But is this feeling really it. Does falling in love means you will stay together forever, NO.

Facts has shown that falling in love with someone does not guarantee that that person is the one we would marry. We fall in love with different motive to different people, but love is beyond our personal imagination, its beyond our self-interest, its beyond what we/they want, it is beyond what/how we feel. when love is on fire from the onset and looks so perfect, be careful. Always ask yourself does he/she really love me as he/she claims? Do you really think they love you as they claim? Are you sure they are ready for a lifetime relationship with you? What is the probability that you will not be separated?

Falling in love is a good thing, but remember people fall in and out of love; when you fall in love know that it is just the first stage of love, it is not the future, it doesn’t mean the relationship must end well, times is the core evident that will tell. if the two partners make their decision, they can grow from just falling in love.

Remember, you can fall in love over and over again, so don’t think is only that person you can fall in love with; Falling in love is human nature. if falling in love doesn’t guarantee love, what then is true love. This lead us to stage two.

2)  STAGE TWO – LIVING IN LOVE: Living in love is a very exotic stage in love. We feel loved, we fall in love, and wish the feelings never dies. But, what happen after the love at first sight, after the first month, the first year, the passion, the sex, the emotional connectivity. What’s next after falling in love? We live together.

Living together does not really imply staying with each other in the same house, it means the time and effort we spent loving that special person, the spirit of always wanting them around, they live in us so we give them room to control our being.

Living in love is the ability to stay in a relationship, it is the process of building the relationship. Living in love goes beyond falling in love, this is what expectant liable matured minds do. The don’t just fall in love, they live in it (stay together)

Living in love shows you are capable to live together.  you grow to understand each other differences. You accept the ones you can and change the ones that you can’t accept. You become very tolerant, what you can’t tolerate from another person, you start tolerating it. You try and become faithful to each other, you obey each other, and try to make decisions together. You start introducing yourself to your friends, your family members, your colleagues. People begins to admires your love life. Living in love is sweet, you feel it’s alright and you would be together forever, but does that guarantee you two would be together forever, NO.

Living in love is just a second stage of the feelings of love. Anything can happen: the forceful barriers of love like family, religion, personal goals and interest, impatient, boredom, the fear of the future etc. can change the mind-set of one of the partner and call the shot for separation. When you are living in love, you are still alive, vibrant, free and accommodating. You can still have feelings for someone else, you can still fall in love with someone else or have sex with someone else if you have the slightest opportunity.

Living in love shows we all need a partner, we want someone to love us, someone to call our lover, someone to tell others is our partner, but does that really join us together forever. Just as society changes with time, some people emotion changes with time. So with all the cooing and booing, the living together, friends and family intervening while is living in love not the final feelings of love.

3) STAGE THREE: KEEPING THE FEELINGS OF LOVE: this is the third and final stage of love. In fact, this is the true meaning of love, the only thing that join two different being together. You can fall in and out of love, you can live in love and be living together and still fall out of it in due time, but if you are able to nurture your feelings, grow together, exchange your hearts and decide to go the extra miles to be together you are definitely keeping the feelings of love.

Keeping the feeling of love is the unbreakable spirit of love, it is the unchangeable feelings, the indispensable undeniable feelings of love. Keeping the feelings brings happiness, despite the present downtrodden situation, you have hope against hope in the one you love. You never losses feelings, you surrender your heart for better or worse. You become strong and encourage each other. this is what lead to marriage, when we have someone that truly shares our feelings.

you need to understand that you don’t just fall in love, you don’t just live in love, you keep that feelings, the fire of love keeps on burning every, its unquenchable. Keeping the feelings of love makes you to listen to each other, it makes you to work as a team. Despite the temptation, the fighting, the quarrel, the difference, in our heart we know they are still the best, so we settle immediately. All the tsunami of love that breaks falling in love cannot stop a strong heart that has kept the feelings of their lover. And years after years your feelings for each other is as the first day you fell in love. Your passion never fades, even in fifty years’ time you are still the same love birds. This is the feelings our parent of old has, they summit themselves to each other, they listen and respect each other. that is why, no breakup, no divorce till death do they part.

Conclusively, to safeguard our heart know that when we fall in love, it is just the first stage of love. We need to consider if the relationship will lead to marriage. Falling in love is sometimes beyond our power and expectation, but what are we expecting in return. We need to be love back. So we decide to live in love. Living in love could actually lead to keeping the feelings of love if both partners has decided to love each other despite the resistant forces of love. Try and get used to each other character, learn to tolerate each other, don’t cheat, don’t lie. Grow to keeping the feelings of love.

Keeping the feelings of love is a personal decision, it can also come when we finally meet the right person. when we find the right partner and study to know they truly love us, learn to nurture your feelings. Watch your partner if they are keeping the feelings of love, or just in love with you, if they like you the way you are not ready to take the relationship to the next level they are not ready to keep you in their heart forever.

Keeping the feelings of love is to be satisfied with the one you love. So let’s learn to keep the feelings after falling in love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How long does it take to get to the 3rd stage?