Monday 1 April 2019


Sex has become one of the major reasons why most people are going into a relationship. 95% of men that says you are beautiful have actually seen beyond what you can see.  Some ladies have given their body out because they are scared of losing the one they love, in the end, majority of them still lost it.

Here are 15 reasons why you should delay sex in a relationship;

1.       Sex is not love. Sex does not prove how much you love each other.
2.       Sex is not a guarantee that you own each other’s heart, body and soul.
3.       Sex is not an avenue to totally win their heart.
4.       Sex does not mean you have totally given everything to them. They know what they want.
5.       Sex does not guarantee marriage.
6.       Delaying sex gives you more time to understand each other to know if you totally match to be together forever.
7.       Delaying sex improves your true feelings of love, It makes you to grow more natural affection for each other that lust.
8.       It shows if they truly love you for who you are and not what you have.
9.       It buys you more time to dig deep and know more about the person true background.
10.   If the relationship breaks, you still have your pride, your dignity which they will respect forever.
11.   It buys you time to understand their motives.
12.   It makes you not to look cheap and easy.
13.   It gives you time to make the right decision.
14.   It push the bad guys away, although many would stay just to get what they want, but as times goes on when they know you are different not a pretender, its either they leave and go for someone else that will give it to them cheaply or they will fall in love with you because you are rare.
15.   Sex is a spiritual bond, its goes beyond the physical pleasure. So give it to someone you want to be tied together forever. Not just any mouth lip lover.

Believe me, you are highly respected when they can’t have you, and you will definitely be proud of yourself. Sex is more pleasurable in marriage.  Go for someone that is ready to sacrifice all they have just to have you as their life partner, someone that truly love you for who you are, not because they want to have sex with you, but because they want you
for life.

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