#1. Sex is not the definition of true love. You can have sex a thousand times and still not love that person. True Love is all about cherishing your partner more than yourself. Loving them without limit. Do you love them like that? If you dont then you are not in love.

#2. The first thing to win a mans heart is Trust. If a man can trust you he will like you, from like to love, but once he cant trust he will use you as his sex mate. So be wise.

#3. To keep your love; always try to please them. True love is about changing to please your partner. You change to match. So, if they say they dont like that character, just change. If the habit or trait is unchangeable, let them know so that they can love you the way you as you are.

#4. Two wrongs can't make a right, don't always wait for your lover to be the first to apologise for their mistake, be warm, cool and calm, be the first to say "honey I dont really like what you did, ive forgiven you, lets move on with our sweet love life.

#5. Always try to look nice, your outlook is your first centre of attraction, then when they come closer, talk sweet, cool and nice, you never know who will fall for you at first sight.

#6. In a relationship you either make your self a wife to be, or a bed mate. What do you want in that relationship? Make up your mind before you waste your years in that relationship.

#7. You can make a man to love you, the first thing is your way of life. Live righteously, talk politely, think positive, talk positive, encourage him and be prayerful.

#8. Characteristic of a girlfriend partner, they lie, cheat, talk carelessly, high sex drive, intolerance and distance from God. Most guys dont care because they will dump her in the end.

#9. Characteristic of a would be wife- faithfulness, loyalty, kindness, self respect, discipline, care for a home, decency, godliness, patience and tolerance. If u find her, dont let go.

#10. To be a romantic person- you must be nice at all time, help your lover even when they dont need it. Encourage them, be there for them when every one abandons them. Kiss them, pamper them, talk sweet to them, and send them romantic sms.

#11. The best way to know your life partner is to pray unto God if they are the right one for you, be faithful to each other, love each other, and never forget to put God first.

#12. Every thing you need to become a house wife you learn it while you are still single. The way you live your life today will determine how your home will be, Learn when you have the time.

#13. Reiterating- there are two things in a relationship. Either you make yourself a life partner or a sexual partner. Remember you have to choose one, dont live a careless life. 

#14. Don't just give your body to anyone that fancy you, check their heart if they love you. study them before you give them your body. Sex is a bond, not just for pleasure, its a spiritual bond. Are you sure you are bonding or just doing it for pleasure. The pleasure ends in a short while, but the bond lives forever.

#15. When a guy approaches you and you refuse and he says there are many fishes in the river, don't mind him, see, "there are different kinds of fish in the river, and you are not the common ones. let him go and get the common one, you are gold fish, which is rare. Always be yourself, you will surely find someone that love you for your principles.

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