What will make a guy to propose to a lady? What do you think will make him to fall in love with you? Some ladies don't understand the things to do to make a man fall in love with them, because of the pressure in the society, with the mind to join the league of their married friends; they tend to send the wrong body language to a guy. Some people have done more than enough to make their partner truly love them, yet their partner is still misbehaving with no assured future in the relationship. And my question is, if you actually do all you can to make someone love you and they don’t, why don’t you look for someone else that will appreciate you just the way you are?
There are certain questions you need to ask yourself
in a relationship to know where it is leading you two; like, how did you meet?
Think about it, how did you meet? Where did you meet? What connected you two
together? Who connected you two together? Is the person god fearing and
reliable; what makes you feel what he/she is telling you is the truth? What
makes you feel they are truly the right one for you? Are you sure both of you
are in love with each other? Why do you think so?
The reason why most people go in and out of
relationship is because they fall for what they see. If you fall for what you see
one day it will disappear or you will get tired of it, if you fall for what
people tells you and you believe in it without testing them through the fire,
one day your believe will fall when you discover they are not what they truly
say they are. But when two people start a relationship because of what they
feel towards each other, understanding each other potentials and weakness, they
are likely to live together forever.
1. Dress
Well, Dress Sexy But Not Like A Harlot.
way you dress makes people to have a perception about your personality. Before
you speak, your appearance speaks for you. Therefore, when you over expose your
secret body part, the first thing that comes to a man’s mind is LUSTFUL
desires. Whether he claims you are beautiful, sexy, and is in love at first
sight, bear it in mind that your attractive sexy legs and cleavages is what he
is imagining how to get into it, and explore the remaining part that he cannot
see. So dress well, look nice, wear anything that looks good on you, and let
your dressing send the right message to a guy. And when you are being approach,
watch his eyes and body language, pay attention to his words. You can
definitely tell if he is a guy that wants a relationship or a lustful one.
Someone that wants a relationship that will lead to marriage does not rush: He
takes time to understand you before asking for your hand in boy-girl
relationship. They don't meet you the first day and start telling you to come
over to his place immediately.
2. When
You Are Been Approached, Be Welcoming, Be Discipline, But Don’t Flirt.
a man to approach you, it means he finds you attractive, acceptable, sexy and
beautiful but put it in mind that the first thing in his mind is how possibly
he can cajole you to his bed. This point may be blunt or not 100% true; but
when you have this mindset you will be very smart and vigilant with everything
they say or do at that time.
you are having a chat, Make sure you have privacy in your conversation; say the
right things at the right time, have a different view in life, be matured, be
wise, talk politely, not only to him but also to people around you, think
positive, talk positive, be intelligent, men likes intelligent ladies. Remember
in all, be discipline, and welcoming but don’t be cheap to access. Men like
women that have integrity, flirt with him when you know you are about to get
married to him, not after a conversation, or meeting; try to control your
emotion. Please don’t be a flirt, if he wants to flirt with you when you just
met him, turn him down, let your character show that you are not that type of
girl. The moment he notice this, if he is actually someone that is looking for
a life partner He will take you serious,
3. Demand
Less, Encourage Him More.
guys give too much gift, know that they expect much from you. Don’t allow what
you are taking from a guy to be the reason of sleeping with him, don’t be too
soft or carried away by gift. Most men see women as weaker vessel; they see
them as fishes, they through bait with money and gift to catch them. Let
your mindset be tuned to someone that truly love and understand you. He can
give you everything but still may not have emotional feeling towards you but
lust. The best practice is to be comfortable with what you have. Stop being too
demanding, men can give you everything just to get what they want from you, and
when they are done, like; totally satisfying themselves, their feeling will
becomes sour.
you meet a guy you like and possibly fall in love with him, learn to always
encourage him. Men like women that always encourage them despite the situation.
They like someone that her words wake them up from being inactive in life.
Someone that understand the situation, demand less, complain less, and put him
in the right part of life. Try and be supportive, but be wise when it comes to
financial support. Real men don’t constantly or cunningly ask for money, they
work hard to make money, and be the boss, and you assist them when the need
arise. Never put all you got in a man that you feel is not serious with you,
someone you know is double dating, and not making you his first priority, make
sure you are seeing what you are putting into the relationship, if not now,
make sure you are feeling or seeing him working towards the growth of the
relationship. Always pray for him, Pray with him, send him prayer
messages, and bless him. Try and be his everything, someone he cannot live
without. When He tell you anything you feel may become a success, encourage him,
be the voice in his ear always.
4. Humble
Yourself, You Have Right As Men, But Always Humble Yourself.
you become a pompous person, and uncontrollable, the guy slowly loss interest
in you. Every man wants a woman that understands them; someone that is ready to
obey them, not a bossy type, someone always forming madam, someone that doesn't
take correction and not ready to bend. Humble yourself, humility does not
belittle anyone, it shows you have a superb grace that the proud can never
have. No matter how opportune, wealthy and famous you becomes, if you can kill
your pride, respect yourself, gentlemen will always want you in their life. But
when you are pompous, the bad sharp guys will always be loyal to get what they
want and when the time is ripe, they will leave. So, humble yourself, let
people see it in you, let them speak of your great humility. Do you know you
actually gain more genuine respect and true love when you are humble? So, be
5. Have A
Positive Way Of Life.
your way of life to your family, friends and others be well spoken of.
Live a life that people will talk good about you, be yourself, no matter how
worse you think you are, someone will always like you the way you are. Learn to
be yourself. Be creative, be natural. Smile more, make yourself happy. Don’t
overdo things: some people may misinterpret it when you are being too nice has
a lady. Especially, when they feel age is not to your side. Please, don’t
overdo things, always be yourself; any negative character that you need
to change to be better in life do it; never do things because you want people
to like you or be on your side. Do things because you feel its ok to do it,
remember you can never please everybody? So when you feel you are doing things
to your lover’s family, or friends for them to like you it won’t. Showing too
much good face is not a license that will make someone to marry you. Marriage
is not something you just jump into it, so everyone is been careful not to
marry the wrong partner. So, just be yourself, don't be someone else because
your true identity will show in due time.
6. Delay
Sex As Long As You Can.
If you want to have a prosperous relationship as a girl, delay SEX as long as you can. Our world is lost in lust, as majority of people are going into relationship because they want to eat what their eyes sees. And they won't tell the lady what they want. They come as friends, as Mr. nice guy but their major goal is to have sex with the lady. So as a girl, when guys ask for your hand in friendship and you agreed, try as much as you can to delay sex.
If you want to have a prosperous relationship as a girl, delay SEX as long as you can. Our world is lost in lust, as majority of people are going into relationship because they want to eat what their eyes sees. And they won't tell the lady what they want. They come as friends, as Mr. nice guy but their major goal is to have sex with the lady. So as a girl, when guys ask for your hand in friendship and you agreed, try as much as you can to delay sex.
you delay sex in due time you will discover if his
feelings is real or just in his lips. Someone that wants to be serious
with you likes it when you are not a lustful lady, but a guy that is not serious
would be impatient. It will look as if you are just benefiting from them, as if
you are wasting their time, with time they will change and start behaving
abnormally to you. If it is sex they want, they will look for someone else who will
be given it to them and still wait for the day you
will give it to them, but When they know you refuse to sleep with them and you
have a good moral standard, if they like you, they will be force to see you as
a rare special lady, and their mindset on sex will change to love.
guys can wait for more than a year, patiently waiting for the day to sleep with
you. Ask yourself, someone that's is asking for your hand in friendship a year
or two years does that mean you are the only lady in this world? If a guy has a
relationship, or married men, they can wait for years until any time the lady
like to give it to them.
not saying if you want to have sex you shouldn't, but don't be cheap, have a
standard for yourself, sex is not to core evidence to prove that you love them. If you like have sex
with different style a thousand times, that is not still a certificate that a
guy will marry you. If you need a life partner, sex is the last thing
that should come into your mind, It
would be the last thing that would come into his mind, how to build a home with
you will be his first priority. So ladies, delay sex, prove to them that you
are not in a haste to get married guys takes advantage of this, let them know
you are a focus and responsible lady.
7. Be
Truthful and Faithful To Him.
man wants to beat his chest with his palm and says his woman is sweet and
different from other women. Men like it when they know you are faithful and
truthful to them. When you are unfaithful to a man, whether you give him
everything he needs just to secure the relationship, in due time he shifts his
feelings from you. No man wants to share his lover with any other man. Likewise
no reasonable woman will want to share her lover with another lady.
you know he is a serious guy, and he takes the relationship serious, try as
much as you can be truthful and faithful to him. You can fully convince him to
be. Eighty percent of men want a cheater as a sex mate but when it comes to
marriage, they prefer a faithful, responsible girl. Therefore when you know he
is ready to marry you, be faithful to him.
and practice these little tips, you will definitely see a change, don't forget
to dress well, and be discipline don’t flirt. Demand less, encourage him more.
humble yourself, be intelligent, and delay sex as long as you can, Be truthful
and faithful to him, pray for him and always pray together. A man can offend
you but they are afraid to offend God.
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