Saturday 1 February 2014


My love,  Heaven and earth shall pass away, but the memories of your love shall never disappear out of my life as my love for you increases every second. There are millions of reason why I love you, yet, 99 of it I shall put in words. Believe me because these words aren't mere inspirations but fact.

I like your Eyes;
1). They are small but do mighty works in me.
2). Looking at it makes me feel erotic,
3). It makes me feel romantic
4). It makes me remember you
5). It takes away my tears
6). It draws me closer to you.
7). It makes me want to kiss you,
8). It makes me want to hold you.
9). They make me feel soft and sweet
10). In all, Your eyes are charming and beautiful.
11). When you wink, blink or stare at me, I just can't get my eyes of yours.
12). I like the way You smile.
13). You smile like an angel.
14). Your smile gives me peace of mind.
15). Your smile takes away my sorrow
16). Your smile makes me smile in your presence.
17). Your smile makes me smile in your absence.
18). Your smile makes me laugh.
19). Your smile puts an everlasting joy in my heart.
20). Even when people want you down, you are still smiling, what a great lady you are.
21). Your touchy smile heals the wounds in people's heart.
22). Do You know that you look a thousand times more beautiful when you smile.
23). My friends says you smile a lot and wish they could have an angel like you.
24).  I like your stature
25). Your height compliments mine.
26). When am walking with you I feel comfortable.
27). When am standing close to you I feel Relaxed
28). When I introduce you to my friends I feel proud.
29). When I point you to my guys "in my mind am Saying you are the greatest"
30). I like the way you walk.
31). You walk like a model,
32). Swing like a queen, truly, You are my Queen .
33). You are smart and agile.
32). You have a good body language.
33). I like the way you use your body to pass message to me.
34). I like your Hair style,
35) When you wear wig you look beautiful.
36). When you use weavon you look beautiful.
37). But do you know that its when you are in your natural hair you look more beautiful to me. 
38). I like you when you make up.
39). Without primping you are still the most beautiful girl in my world.
40). I like your natural beauty.
41). I like you because you have good dreams.
42). You have great potentials in you.
43). You are hard working.
44). You think very fast and plan ahead.
45). You are very ambitious.
46). You believe in yourself and the grace of God.
47). You are discipline.
48). I'm the first person you call, text, when you wake up.
49).  You were brought up well.
50). You speak positive all the time.
51). The negative words from people do not pull you down.

If the Angels on earth are to be counted, and you are not counted among them, then I will know the judge is a partial Judge, but my God is not partial, You are counted among the first set of the beautiful Angels in this World.

52). I like you because you value love more than wealth.
53). You are truthful, straight forward and trustworthy.
54). You are faithful and loyal.
55). You always encourage me.
56). You support my dreams and ambition the best you can.
57). You pray for me.
58). You fight for me when am not there.
59). You speak Good about me even when everyone think worst of me
60). You always advice me to love God.
61). You always tell me to respect my family name.
62). You are bold, bright and beautiful.
63). You look like my mother.
64). You think like a guru
65). You knows how to cook.
66). Hmm... You know what I need at the right time.
67). You know how to calm me down.
68). You know what makes me smile
69). You know how to relate with different kind of people.
70). You have a kind heart.
71). You are tolerant and patient.
72).  You easily forgive people, even when some people don't deserve it.

Oh my sweet love:
73). You inspire me.
74). You make me to set fresh goals.
75). I made more achievement being with you than I imagined.
76). Blessed be the day that I find you.
77). You never gave up on me.
78). You are proud of me.
79). You trust me.
80). Most times you care for my well being more than yourself.
81). You make a good house wife.
82). You like kids.
83) You knows how to take care of children.
84). You chastise me when am wrong.
85). I never knew you would be my love, until the day, you said Yes, I love you too.
86).  You were hard for me to get, but when I found your Heart, I knew we are meant to be together for ever.
87). You didn't rush to fall in love with me but you watch to see if I truly love you...
88). You are a supernatural woman.
89). You completes me.
90). You know how to turn me on.
91). With you am never lonely, because my heart is always busy thinking about you.
92). I like your voice.
93). I like your skin color.
94). I love you because you loved me for who I am.
95). Distance is never a barrier to your love, you always communicate with me every seconds.
96). You knows how to kiss me.
97). When I'm in your arms, I find true comfort, and love.
98). You know how to make love to me, you give me complete satisfaction.
99). They say no one is Perfect but you are perfect in my eyes.
100).  I don't really have any good reason why I love you. I love you just the way you are: your simple self.

If there is any price to pay just to have you in life forever I will pay extra. The beauty of 10,000 beautiful models can not be compared with yours, let them do the best make ups, and Charms, You are still the most beautiful in my world. My life is for you, my heart is with you, anywhere you go, my heart goes with you. I love you so much....happy You, Happy me......much  Kisssessss to you!

Saturday 14 April 2012


Here are twenty-five(25) tips for you to know that you are dating the wrong person. 

Love is actually beautiful, but the reason while most people hit rock in their relationship is because they fail not to understand that they are in the wrong relationship, and they stay in such relationship for a long period of time; wasting their energy, resouces and time.

This articles gives vivid traits that shows  relationship that is likely heading the wrong way. 

1) TRUST: You do not trust each other. Once there is no trust love will become weak. Any error can lead to seperation.
2) They are easily upset at you and excessively nag at you.
3) They insult and disrespect you even in the presence of your friends, their friends or the public.
4) They are unfaithful to you yet they will frightfully apologise.
5) They will advise you to keep an extra-lover while they keep their own.
6) You can not totally please them. No matter how good you become, they are never satisfied, they are always seeing the past you.
7) They prefers another girl/guy than you. So, they talk most of the time about them.
8) They tell you more about their dream lovers characters which they know you do not possess.
9) They see you and like you as a friend, a sex mate not as a lover, or someone they intend to marry. But your too much closeness to each other, and sex as made you two to misinterpret it.
10) Some prefers having secret meetings with you and they give you unreasonable reasonable points why they don’t want to go public.
11) They don't want to get close to your family; they know if your family is aware of it, it will not be easy for them to break off the relationship.
12) They are unmindful of you: They have less thought for you so they don't give you much attention the way they give other people or things. meaning they can go on a day without talking to you, they only talk to you when they like or when they want something.
13) They see you as sex mates not as a life partner, so sex is always in their mind.
14) Some would only call you when they need you or when you stop calling them, or when they have excess bonus in their phone to waste.
15) They have mixed feelings for you: they are not sure if you are the right one for them. So they don't want you so close. you have your visiting time and hours... 
16) They always keep secrets from you: they know you are not part of their future so they won't tell you everything. They only share the ones they know you can assist them.
17) They have an unconcerned attitude, they know you are having another affair yet they won't complain. They know you are doing something they would not want their dream wife or husband to do, yet, they will not complain. they will just be playing along with you.
18) Any you little disagreement and quarrel might lead to chanting of the word "lets break up, I cant take this...I'm tired of this..." but at the end you always settle the dispute because you love them.
19) They always want to push you to the wall. They do things that they know annoys you. who cares if you are annoid.... after all you will still be the one to or they willl apoligise when they feel, relationship moves on.....
20) They are very proud- they tell you they can have another you in a second, they say without you they can do better.
21) There is always a daily emotional change: today they are nice to you, tomorrow they are something else. Today you like them, tomorrow you hate them........signs, signs, signs, showing.....
22) They know you love them and can do anything for them, so, they keep you close for what they are benefitting from you not because they love you..
23) They are chameleons. At the beginning of the relationship they are romantic, but as months or years goes by, they will show their true characters.  who cares they have gotten what they want.......
24) You know they don't love you but you enjoy the sex, the gifts and their company. Most people feel the sex and keeping of companies will someday generate love, unfortunately even a thousand times of making love and one million gift cannot buy love.
25) The good ones will open up to you that they do not truly love you, but you just can't leave them because of your love for them, or have invested so much in the relationship. My dear please leave on time, there are better people out there that will love you for who you are;

Memorize the above tips, there are other little tips to know if he/she truly loves you or not., please dont forget to drop them in the comment box below, let continue to preach through love.

Remember if they don't reciprocate your feelings, you better walk out of the relationship before it is too late. Do not enter a abusive marriage.

Do have a wonderful love life. Kiss!!


Tuesday 14 June 2011

Love text

1) A wise man once said ur frend is a reflection of you. you reflects me and I reflects you, thats why that smile wil nva end in my face,, smile now im alwaz with u.

2) You are a precious soft breakable glass, I will never let you fall from my hand. I will pet you, pat you and protect you. you will never break. I love u.

3) Whenever I stare at you I alwaz have feelings. the truth is you yourself cant stop me from loving you. i'm dumb, blind and crazy in love with you.

4) The only thing I can do in this life is to keep on loving you. it is sweet to love, and I will love you till death. keep this as a secret, u r my 1st love.

5) Do u know what I wish you, I wish you shuld never cry, I wish you shuld never die, I wish you have everytin u want. I wish u to alwaz have a peaceful joyous life.

6) Ever since the day I fell in love wit u I have only two wish 1. I wish dis sweet romantic ever shining perfect love shuld neva end 2. I wish we will nva die.

7) I said to mysef I dont want to get adicted to anytin, weda smokin, drinkin wateva.. but u, refine beauty I want 2get adicted 2u. I want to lov u 4 life.

8) My love every girl is a queen in her own territory, u are the queen of my territory, my shado, the queen of queens, I love u more than hundreds of them.

9) Unto every man there is a woman. Unto every land there is a ruler, unto every smile there i a reason. you are the woman4me. the ruler d reason why im happy.

10) I was tryin to run away from it but it came, I was tryin ti hide it but it show I was tryin to control it it overpowers me. true lov canot be hiden, I love you.

11) When love catches up with you you will forget ur father, ur mother, ur brother, ur sistas and yourself. Love controls you. baby dats what is happening to me now.