Friday 27 January 2023

Do you truly love him/her, what's your Genotype?

What is a Genotype?

A genotype is the entire genetic constitution of an individual, i.e. the genetic makeup of an organism or group of organisms with reference to a single trait, set of traits, or an entire complex of traits. In a nutshell: your genotype is your complete heritable genetic identity; the sum total of genes transmitted from parent to offspring. No two human beings are the same. People could bear some form of resemblance, look-alike, act the same, perhaps talk the same, but in reality, no two people are absolutely identical. The genotype is the biological coding that ensures this specificity, uniqueness, and individuality.

Why it’s Important to Know Your Genotype

Knowing one's hemoglobin genotype before choosing a life partner is important because there may be compatibility issues which could have devastating effects when it comes to conception. If avoided from the beginning it will save us a lot of stress and money. Intending couples sharing information about each other’s blood genotype and blood group serve as an important forecasting guide for offspring’s genotype, quality of life & overall health.

True life story. a friend of mine, she is a medical laboratory scientist; we had a conversation and she told me her family experience because of her parent not checking their genotype before marriage. Her parent gave birth to seven children and only two survive. So, most times everything may not be spiritual as most Africans thinks but the issue of not knowing our genotype and marrying someone with incompatible genotype causes more arm than good.

Types of genotype

There are five (5) distinct types of blood genotype. They are AA, AS, AC, SS, and SC. While the first 2 pairs (AA & AS) are normal, AC is rare and the latter two (SS, SC) are abnormal, these two causes sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease causes pain and damage vital organs.

The AA genotype has the best compatibility ratio. If you are AA you are good to go and can marry any other genotype. You are likely going to have an extremely minimal possibility of sickle-celled offspring. AA genotype are most susceptible to malaria.

Genotype compatibility

Before marriage, it is advisable that couple have pre-knowledge of their genotype status in other to prevent tears in their marriage. Kindy see the combination of genotype below to give you a clearer picture when it comes to choosing a life partner;

Combination:   Give Birth to

AA + AA =         AA, AA, AA, AA (Excellent)

AA + AS =         AA, AS, AA, AS, (Good)

AA + SS =         AS, AS, AS, AS, (Fair)

AA + AC =         AA, AA, AA, AC. (Good)

AS + AS =          AA, AS, AS, SS, (Very Bad)

AS + SS =           AS, SS, SS, SS, (Very Bad)

AS + AC =          AA, AC, AS, SS. (Bad; Advice needed)

SS + SS =            SS, SS, SS, SS, (Very Bad)

AC + SS =            AS, AS, SS, SS, (Very Bad)

AC + AC =            AA, AC, AC, SS. (Bad; Advice needed)

From all indication, The AS and AC genotype is best compatible with the AA remameber AC is rare. AA can marry anybody, AS and any other combincation is too risky, most times its only God that make it come out positive,

Note Two sickle cells = avoid conception (ie, don't give birth) to avoid future crisis

Sickle cell anaemia

It is an abnormal haemoglobin also know as sickle cell Anemia : A condition in which the blood doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells. Anaemia results from a lack of red blood cells or dysfunctional red blood cells in the body. This leads to reduced oxygen flow to the body's organs. The only advantage of these people is that they don't get sick of malaria.

As stated earlier, individuals with sickle cells experience severe pains in body parts where oxygen flow is compromised due to blockage in the blood vessels,

Sickle cell anaemia (or sickle cell disease aka SCD) in the world.

Every year, more than 150 000 babies are born with this serious condition. Also alarming is the estimation that only 5% of the affected babies in Nigeria live passed the age of 10 (in UK and USA over 96% of sufferers survive into adulthood). Those with SCD often struggle with education, employment and psychological development due to chronic pain and other complications associated with the disease.

Symptoms of Sickle Cell Anemia/Disease

The main symptom is recurrent episodes of pain, called crises. The pain is caused by the sickle-shaped red blood cells blocking blood flow to the chest, abdomen and joints. The intensity of the pain varies, but it can last for hours or even weeks. Other symptoms include: painful swelling of hands and feet, frequent infections, delayed growth, vision problems.

In conclusion, it is advisable to make the right decidion before you make that marriage vows. It is not a good moment to watch our loveones in pains because of the wrong decidion we have made, please lets avoid our kids going through such pain, please lets join hands together and create an awareness for a better healthy society. Please before it goes deeper in love, go and know your blood group.

We love you, please like and share, you may save a life.

Thursday 12 January 2023


 I am blue in love with you, blue in view of the fact that, in your arms and voice and beautiful face I feel rationally amaze and opportune to be your friend, the lover to a beautiful personality like you. Love, a crazy unexplainable feelings of attachment to a total stranger, even when they do not know or realize how must you adore or want them in your life, you just keep on loving them. I love you.

My sweet love's mine; I have one problem, probably a curse. If, when, as I have like and fall in love with you, you cannot change me, even if you try. I have stored your name, your stature, your princessly walking steps, your beauty, all in my heart. Even when you piss me off, my heart forgives you in seconds, no grudges, no hard feelings all I want is you back to my life. It is you and I till earth pass away. Trust me, nothing can change my feelings, because I love the way I feel for you, and, it will badly hurt me to stop feeling this ways. I can not really remember the year I felt like this, its you and I, I am not allowing this feeling to die again.

When people says wonders are the supernaturally beautiful colorful sky in the night, I say the only wonders I have seen are the attractive eyes of yours, your powerful smile. In my eyes, your beauty radiates 360 degrees, beautifully, stylishly, and forcefully intruded into my shielded heart, I aspire to own you. Not to share you with anyone else, but to own every part of you.

You are a queen in the making, a goddess, not disguised, a crown that take over the room with her beautiful smile, elegancy and self-esteem. You are my worst desire, worst because I know the bountiful sharp broken glass I would climb to get to your heart. I wrongfully judge you from a hundred mile, but when I came close to you you were the best solid companion to have in my life. You are a beauty on earth, the beauty that eyes that behold has called you beautiful. Kisses to you my dream partner.

I am blue in love with you, I am loyal to your cause. They say love is lost, if this is lust, let me be lost in your arms forever, lets make love and forgive about the stress in this world.  I feel we have known each other for years, most times, I feel I should come across your desk and give you a perk in your cheek, a hug, or a warm soft long kiss. I wish I could look into your eyes and whisper, ‘hope you are good, hope nothing is bothering you. I just want you to be happy, stress free, live your life in peace, in a serene environment filled with love and massive wealth.

I love talking to you, whether physically or charting with you on the phone, I like the secret emotions that flows inside me, I wish I could pass through your phone, be by your side, kiss your chin or lips and return back to my seat with a whole loads of you gallivanting in my heart. You know some sweet memories never end, some sweet moments in life are what we want to play over and over again. My moment with you is what I wish should never end; you are sweet in all your ways.

I am blue in love, so glue to you. All I wish is for you to have this sweet emotion of mine so that we can be blue in love, glue together for ever more. I admire, and love you so much, please accept this letter of mine, as i wont stop thinking about you.

Sunday 8 January 2023


Hold me in your arms tonight,
Prove, the love in the light of your smile,
engulf me with the beauty of your words, 
bury me with the sweetness of your voice;
who is as great as you?
who is as romantic as you?
Who is sweeter than the honeybomb?

In the street of love, I am a widower without you.
I am as small, a lovely puppy that need to be cuddle;
Hold me, and store me in the realm of your arms forever.
How do I unwind this misery of my misses,
The starvation of my love, the beauty I see in your eyes.

A thousand stare at your beautiful picture,
a million silent sleepy thought of you,
a billion chat on social medias,
36 millions calls, all this still cant quench the fire of my love.

You are the decoration in the wall of my heart,
the light that shines in darkness,
the reasosn I desire to wake up in the morning,
the reason  I must be rich,
the reason of my laughter, my bright lover,
You are the single-vision glasses I use to see.

You are the white cane that lead the way,
the only thing I 100% feel for;
You are greater than a thousand women.
I miss not only you, but also your shadow.

Tonight; perfect time; I and you, 
Only us.
I want to crunch you in love,
Hugs you for ten hours, stare at you for fifteen hours,
kissing your pliant lips for three hours, 
Tonight; perfect time; I and you.
Only us. Lets do it.

Your arms is my final resting place,
Tears of love flowing than my eyes,
Because I have miss this moment,
This time, this hidden feeling and
crazy apetite of you will I express.

As I am far from home;
I will hold you in my arm tonight,
when I hold you; you wont escape,
Until I drain the white lilly of sureness;
Drain me, take me, do it, be me.
For you are the main reason I breathe.

I am yours, now and forever
Just know that;
I  love you very much.

Saturday 7 January 2023

Silent Lover (Love Notes)

My beautiful crush, I feel you beyond the way you feel me, I adore you more than you adore me, I may not have expressed my Love for you, but you are more valuable than everyone around, more special because you have gain access to my heart. You may think, ''Why cant you just tell me, you love me? Why can you just ne man enough to say it" Because am considering the strings between us, am scared...

I watch how you have changed towards me recently. I watch your moves from afar, and wonder the offence I have commited that made you change towards me. Possibly, a new resolution for you to be left alone without been entangled in alluring emotional connection, disconnecting yourself to be more focus on other things. You never knew, I have really miss your face, i wish I could call your everyday, to be with you at least for an hour or two, or the whole day. It hurt that you have to changed.

Can we run away from love? Can we kill the feelings and just move on with our life? You might be strong to shut the door of your heart, and may not want our closeness, but, I will never let go of my high concentrated sweet feelings for you. Do you know people dont have the feelings of love this days? For me, the moment I became closer to you, I saw the beauty in your heart and you perfectly fit the one I need as a wife, I felt loved, I spontaneously feel in love with you, not your beauty because beauty fades, but the you in you. I love you.

I respect, honor and value you more than you value me. I allowed my love for you to cloud my judgement, I will fight for you in your absence, stand with you, and always be there for you. You are very special to me, you will always be special to me anywhere and anytime in the world. I enjoy the way I have allowed you to cloud my mind. I enjoyed the feelings, its reminds me of what romantic sensual feelings is after a long while.

I wish we have kissed, I wish for a long warm hug, I wish I could just spend 24hours with you. Just me and you no distractions, I want you to be happy and loved, loved by me, loved by all in me. Most times I wish we were much younger, I wish I had found you first, oh, how jealous am I, but so happy for you. I send my secret kisses at night, and wish I could get a warm long hug and perk from you at noon. But wishes are just like cold breeze.

Even if you change. I will still admire you, I will still cherish you, I will still love you, keeping your distance does not change my affection from you. You remain my inspiration, my motivator, and my Queen. Love you so much.