Sunday 30 November 2014


Share this beatiful pic story with your partner,friends and love ones

Monday 17 November 2014


True Love is an endless feeling that travels a thousand mile with just a romantic thought of the one you love. As time goes on, if you are made for each other your ove getes better, but if you are thrieving to love each other, love may slowly deteriorate.

To be in a relationship and live in it, there are things that spicy up the relationship, and things that decreases it; and Lack of understanding these fact could cause a serious damage of your affection for your partner.

 Here are some little tips of the things you SHOULD NOT do in a relationship:

* Do not compare or look at other guys/ladies and their relationship too much, less you will get lust and bored.

 * Don't introduce your partner to your friends and family member as your lover until you are sure they truly love you and are ready to spend their eternity with you. Because you might just be introducing the wrong person.

 * Don't cheat!! cheating becomes a habit if not totally fought on time. when you find a serious partner that is ready to marry you, don't cheat.

 * Don't be the one always loving, make sure you are gettIng it back at least 75%. If you are the only one loving your partner then be ready for the unknown. dont say I did not advise you, love should be reciprocated and you should be respected and honored.

* Don't lie to someone that truly love and trust you, lying slowly kills love, but truthfulness and trustworthiness builds it. Avoid lies, dont do things that will make you lie.

 * Don't just rush into a relationship because they claim they love you, watch very well because majority of them are wolves under sheep clothing's. its very easy to say I love you, but the act is what matters. In fact this days, most people will even fake the act just to get what they want from the lady or guy. So, dont rush into a relationship because they claim they love you, study them to ensure they are really true, dont be deceive.

* Flirting, DON'T ever be caught either on phone or the act, because once you have lost your integrity, its very hard to get it back. Do not flirt with another lady or guy in the presence of your partner, we are all born jealous.

 * Depending on the level of the relationship, Don't check your lovers phone and messages because you may see something that may piss you off. Please avoid your lovers phone if you love each other and want to marry...

* Do not just conclude on any wrong information you hear concerning your lover, always find out from the horses mouth. Ask question, and when the truth is told, always learn to forgive.

 * Do not always wait for your lover to be the one calling you on phone all the time. Please call back, if they dont call you, learn to call them, text them and ensure its OK. its childish allowing only one person to always do the first calling and texting.

 * Do not ever shout at your lover in public, it shows a sign of disrespect and a lapses of understanding.

 * Do not bother yourself too much about the moodiness of your partner, if you've done all you can and they prefer to remain like that, leave them, they will come out of it, understand the mood of your partner. So that you do not piss yourself out because of them, people have their mood swings.

 * Do not ever force your lover to change from some of their inbuilt character or habit. Transformation is a gradual process, always learn to give them time to change, and if they can't change, and you truly love them accept them the way they are, if you can not cope, please leave them on time.

* Do not be too bossy, give your partner time to speak also, do not always be the one to always have the final say, allow them to win sometimes. if feel good when they realise you for ones listen to them and follow their part.

* Do not be self centered, stop talking about yourself and successes alone, share everything, appreciate your lover, appreciate their little effort and glory.

* As long as you are not married, REDUCE the way you ponder yourself over your partners slight changes, like decrease of affection or thought of unfaithfulness. You will only be hurting yourself by becoming upset and depressed. STOP disturbing yourself, let love reign. If you guys are meant to be together forever, you will surely be. Do not force yourself on anyone.

These are just little tips to ensure you have a headway in your relationship. they are proven tips that worked. For a healthy relationship, try and practice this tip, wishing you the best of love life.