Saturday 14 April 2012


Here are twenty-five(25) tips for you to know that you are dating the wrong person. 

Love is actually beautiful, but the reason while most people hit rock in their relationship is because they fail not to understand that they are in the wrong relationship, and they stay in such relationship for a long period of time; wasting their energy, resouces and time.

This articles gives vivid traits that shows  relationship that is likely heading the wrong way. 

1) TRUST: You do not trust each other. Once there is no trust love will become weak. Any error can lead to seperation.
2) They are easily upset at you and excessively nag at you.
3) They insult and disrespect you even in the presence of your friends, their friends or the public.
4) They are unfaithful to you yet they will frightfully apologise.
5) They will advise you to keep an extra-lover while they keep their own.
6) You can not totally please them. No matter how good you become, they are never satisfied, they are always seeing the past you.
7) They prefers another girl/guy than you. So, they talk most of the time about them.
8) They tell you more about their dream lovers characters which they know you do not possess.
9) They see you and like you as a friend, a sex mate not as a lover, or someone they intend to marry. But your too much closeness to each other, and sex as made you two to misinterpret it.
10) Some prefers having secret meetings with you and they give you unreasonable reasonable points why they don’t want to go public.
11) They don't want to get close to your family; they know if your family is aware of it, it will not be easy for them to break off the relationship.
12) They are unmindful of you: They have less thought for you so they don't give you much attention the way they give other people or things. meaning they can go on a day without talking to you, they only talk to you when they like or when they want something.
13) They see you as sex mates not as a life partner, so sex is always in their mind.
14) Some would only call you when they need you or when you stop calling them, or when they have excess bonus in their phone to waste.
15) They have mixed feelings for you: they are not sure if you are the right one for them. So they don't want you so close. you have your visiting time and hours... 
16) They always keep secrets from you: they know you are not part of their future so they won't tell you everything. They only share the ones they know you can assist them.
17) They have an unconcerned attitude, they know you are having another affair yet they won't complain. They know you are doing something they would not want their dream wife or husband to do, yet, they will not complain. they will just be playing along with you.
18) Any you little disagreement and quarrel might lead to chanting of the word "lets break up, I cant take this...I'm tired of this..." but at the end you always settle the dispute because you love them.
19) They always want to push you to the wall. They do things that they know annoys you. who cares if you are annoid.... after all you will still be the one to or they willl apoligise when they feel, relationship moves on.....
20) They are very proud- they tell you they can have another you in a second, they say without you they can do better.
21) There is always a daily emotional change: today they are nice to you, tomorrow they are something else. Today you like them, tomorrow you hate them........signs, signs, signs, showing.....
22) They know you love them and can do anything for them, so, they keep you close for what they are benefitting from you not because they love you..
23) They are chameleons. At the beginning of the relationship they are romantic, but as months or years goes by, they will show their true characters.  who cares they have gotten what they want.......
24) You know they don't love you but you enjoy the sex, the gifts and their company. Most people feel the sex and keeping of companies will someday generate love, unfortunately even a thousand times of making love and one million gift cannot buy love.
25) The good ones will open up to you that they do not truly love you, but you just can't leave them because of your love for them, or have invested so much in the relationship. My dear please leave on time, there are better people out there that will love you for who you are;

Memorize the above tips, there are other little tips to know if he/she truly loves you or not., please dont forget to drop them in the comment box below, let continue to preach through love.

Remember if they don't reciprocate your feelings, you better walk out of the relationship before it is too late. Do not enter a abusive marriage.

Do have a wonderful love life. Kiss!!